Miki Simankevicius – Résumé

Miki Simankevicius

Creative human, driven to fulfil his vision in all that he innovates, Miki is passionate about emotion and story in every situation. Disciplined in many aspects of filmmaking including but not limited to directing, cinematography, producing and photography. He is also a talented musician, which often presents a symbiosis with projects.

Miki takes pride in having a wide and versatile skill set as one often complements others. While his net is cast wide, he strives for greatness in every task he undertakes and has laser focus when executing. Miki’s commitment to health and fitness is also a powerful ally when working the many physically demanding roles the industry requires, which is one of the many elements that continue to excite and inspire him about production.


+61 435 761 441 

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3156


Updated: Oct 2020